


Pytest multihost fixture.


Decorator for MultihostUtility methods defined in inherited classes.


Decorator for MultihostUtility methods defined in inherited classes.


Pytest hook: add command line options.


Pytest hook: register multihost plugin.



Base class for a predefined set of topologies.


Base class for a predefined set of list of topologies.

MultihostConfig(confdict, *, logger, ...)

Multihost configuration.

MultihostDomain(config, confdict)

Multihost domain class.

MultihostFixture(request, data, multihost, ...)

Multihost object provides access to underlaying multihost configuration, individual domains and hosts.

MultihostHost(domain, confdict)

Base multihost host class.


Manage set of artifacts that are collected at specific places.

MultihostItemData(multihost, topology_mark)

Multihost internal pytest data, stored in pytest.Item.multihost


Host operating system family.


Pytest multihost plugin.

MultihostRole(mh, role, host)

Base role class.


Manage set of artifacts that are collected at specific places.


Base class for utility functions that operate on remote hosts, such as writing a file or managing SSSD.


A topology specifies requirements that a multihost configuration must fulfil in order to run a test.


Topology controller can be associated with a topology via TopologyMark to provide additional per-topology hooks such as per-topology setup and teardown.

TopologyDomain(id, **kwargs)

Create a new topology domain.

TopologyMark(name, topology, *[, ...])

Topology mark is used to describe test case requirements. FixtureRequest) Generator[MultihostFixture, None, None]

Pytest multihost fixture. Returns instance of MultihostFixture. When a pytest test is finished, this fixture takes care of tearing down the MultihostFixture object automatically in order to clean up after the test run.


It is preferred that the test case does not use this fixture directly but rather access the hosts through dynamically created role fixtures that are defined in @pytest.mark.topology.


request (pytest.FixtureRequest) – Pytest’s request fixture.


ValueError – If not multihost configuration was given.



class pytest_mh.KnownTopologyBase(value)

Bases: Enum

Base class for a predefined set of topologies.

Users of this plugin may inherit from this class in order to created a predefined, well-known set of topology markers.

Example usage
class KnownTopology(KnownTopologyBase):
    A = TopologyMark(
        topology=Topology(TopologyDomain('test', a=1)),

    B = TopologyMark(
        topology=Topology(TopologyDomain('test', b=1)),

def test_a(a: ARole):

def test_b(b: BRole):
class pytest_mh.KnownTopologyGroupBase(value)

Bases: Enum

Base class for a predefined set of list of topologies.

Users of this plugin may inherit from this class in order to create a predefined, well-known set of list of topology markers that can be used directly in @pytest.mark.topology to enable topology parametrization for a test case.

Example usage
class KnownTopologyGroup(KnownTopologyGroupBase):
    All = [
            topology=Topology(TopologyDomain('test', a=1)),
            fixtures=dict(a='test.a[0]', generic='test.a[0]'),

        B = TopologyMark(
            topology=Topology(TopologyDomain('test', b=1)),
            fixtures=dict(b='test.b[0]', generic='test.a[0]'),

# Will run once for A, once for B
def test_all(generic: GenericRole):
class pytest_mh.MultihostConfig(confdict: dict[str, Any], *, logger: MultihostLogger, lazy_ssh: bool, artifacts_dir: Path, artifacts_mode: Literal['never', 'on-failure', 'always'], artifacts_compression: bool)

Bases: ABC

Multihost configuration.

logger: MultihostLogger

Multihost logger

lazy_ssh: bool

If True, hosts postpone connecting to ssh when the connection is first required

artifacts_dir: Path

Artifacts output directory.

artifacts_mode: Literal['never', 'on-failure', 'always']

Artifacts collection mode.

artifacts_compression: bool

Store artifacts in compressed archive?

domains: list[MultihostDomain]

Available domains

property required_fields: list[str]

Fields that must be set in the host configuration. An error is raised if any field is missing.

The field name may contain a . to check nested fields.

property TopologyMarkClass: Type[TopologyMark]

Class name of the type or subtype of TopologyMark.

create_domain(domain: dict[str, Any]) MultihostDomain

Create new multihost domain from dictionary.

It maps the role name to a Python class using id_to_domain_class. If the role is not found in the property, it fallbacks to *. If even asterisk is not found, it raises ValueError.


domain (dict[str, Any]) – Domain in dictionary form.


ValueError – If domain does not have id or mapping to Python class is not found.


New multihost domain.

Return type:


topology_hosts(topology: Topology) list[MultihostHost]

Return all hosts required by the topology as list.


topology (Multihost topology) – Topology.


List of MultihostHost.

Return type:


abstract property id_to_domain_class: dict[str, Type[MultihostDomain]]

Map domain id to domain class. Asterisk * can be used as fallback value.

Return type:

Class name.

class pytest_mh.MultihostDomain(config: ConfigType, confdict: dict[str, Any])

Bases: ABC, Generic[ConfigType]

Multihost domain class.

mh_config: ConfigType

Multihost configuration

logger: MultihostLogger

Multihost logger

id: str

Domain id

hosts: list[MultihostHost]

Available hosts in this domain

property required_fields: list[str]

Fields that must be set in the domain configuration. An error is raised if any field is missing.

The field name may contain a . to check nested fields.

property roles: list[str]

All roles available in this domain.


Role names.

Return type:


create_host(confdict: dict[str, Any]) MultihostHost

Create host object from role.

It maps the role name to a Python class using role_to_host_class. If the role is not found in the property, it fallbacks to *. If even asterisk is not found, it fallbacks to MultiHost.


confdict (dict[str, Any]) – Host configuration as a dictionary.


ValueError – If role property is missing in the host configuration.


Host instance.

Return type:


create_role(mh: MultihostFixture, host: MultihostHost) MultihostRole

Create role object from given host.

It maps the role name to a Python class using role_to_role_class. If the role is not found in the property, it fallbacks to *. If even asterisk is not found, it raises ValueError.

  • mh (Multihost) – Multihost instance.

  • host (MultihostHost) – Multihost host instance.


ValueError – If unexpected role name is given.


Role instance.

Return type:


abstract property role_to_host_class: dict[str, Type[MultihostHost]]

Map role to host class. Asterisk * can be used as fallback value.

Return type:

Class name.

abstract property role_to_role_class: dict[str, Type[MultihostRole]]

Map role to role class. Asterisk * can be used as fallback value.

Return type:

Class name.

hosts_by_role(role: str) list[MultihostHost]

Return all hosts of the given role.


role (str) – Role name.


List of hosts of given role.

Return type:


class pytest_mh.MultihostFixture(request: FixtureRequest, data: MultihostItemData, multihost: MultihostConfig, topology_mark: TopologyMark)

Bases: object

Multihost object provides access to underlaying multihost configuration, individual domains and hosts. This object should be used only in tests as the mh() pytest fixture.

Domains are accessible as dynamically created properties of this object, hosts are accessible by roles as dynamically created properties of each domain. Each host object is instance of specific role class based on MultihostRole.

Example multihost configuration
- id: test
  - name: client
    hostname: client.test
    role: client

  - name: ldap
    hostname: master.ldap.test
    role: ldap

The configuration above creates one domain of id test with two hosts. The following example shows how to access the hosts:

Example of the MultihostFixture object
def test_example(mh: MultihostFixture):
    mh.ns.test            # -> namespace containing roles as properties
    mh.ns.test.client     # -> list of hosts providing given role
    mh.ns.test.client[0]  # -> host object, instance of specific role
data: MultihostItemData

Multihost item data.

request: FixtureRequest

Pytest request.

multihost: MultihostConfig

Multihost configuration.

topology_mark: TopologyMark

Topology mark.

topology: Topology

Topology data.

topology_controller: TopologyController

Topology controller.

logger: MultihostLogger

Multihost logger.

ns: SimpleNamespace

Roles as object accessible through topology path, e.g. mh.ns.domain_id.role_name.

roles: list[MultihostRole]

Available MultihostRole objects.

hosts: list[MultihostHost]

Available MultihostHost objects.

split_log_file(name: str) None

Split current log records into a log file.


name (str) – Log file name.

log_phase(phase: str) None

Log current test phase.


phase (str) – Phase name or description.

class pytest_mh.MultihostHost(domain: DomainType, confdict: dict[str, Any])

Bases: Generic[DomainType]

Base multihost host class.

Example configuration in YAML format
- hostname:
  role: ad
    family: linux
    username: root
    password: Secret123
    binddn: Administrator@ad.test
    bindpw: vagrant
      ad_domain: ad.test
      krb5_keytab: /enrollment/ad.keytab
      ldap_krb5_keytab: /enrollment/ad.keytab
  • Required fields: hostname, role

  • Optional fields: artifacts, config, os, ssh

  • domain (DomainType) – Multihost domain object.

  • confdict (dict[str, Any]) – Host configuration as a dictionary.

  • shell (str) – Shell used in SSH connection, defaults to ‘/usr/bin/bash -c’.

mh_domain: DomainType

Multihost domain.

role: str

Host role.

hostname: str

Host hostname.

logger: MultihostLogger

Multihost logger.

config: dict[str, Any]

Custom configuration.

configured_artifacts: MultihostHostArtifacts

Host artifacts produced during tests, configured by the user.

ssh_host: str

SSH host (resolvable hostname or IP address), defaults to hostname.

ssh_port: int

SSH port, defaults to 22.

ssh_username: str

SSH username, defaults to root.

ssh_password: str

SSH password, defaults to Secret123.

os_family: MultihostOSFamily

Host operating system os_family.

shell: Type[SSHProcess]

Shell used in SSH session.

ssh: SSHClient

SSH client.

cli: CLIBuilder

Command line builder.

artifacts: MultihostHostArtifacts

List of artifacts that will be automatically collected at specific places. This list can be dynamically extended. Values may contain wildcard character.

artifacts_collector: MultihostArtifactsCollector

Artifacts collector.

property required_fields: list[str]

Fields that must be set in the host configuration. An error is raised if any field is missing.

The field name may contain a . to check nested fields.

pytest_setup() None

Called once before execution of any tests.

pytest_teardown() None

Called once after all tests are finished.

setup() None

Called before execution of each test.

teardown() None

Called after execution of each test.

get_artifacts_list(host: MultihostHost, type: Literal['pytest_setup', 'pytest_teardown', 'topology_setup', 'topology_teardown', 'test']) set[str]

Return the list of artifacts to collect.

This just returns artifacts, but it is possible to override this method in order to generate additional artifacts that were not created by the test, or detect which artifacts were created and update the artifacts list.

  • host (MultihostHost) – Host where the artifacts are being collected.

  • type (MultihostArtifactsType) – Type of artifacts that are being collected.


List of artifacts to collect.

Return type:


class pytest_mh.MultihostHostArtifacts(config: list[str] | dict[str, list[str]] | None = None)

Bases: object

Manage set of artifacts that are collected at specific places.

pytest_setup: set[str]

List of artifacts collected for host after initial pytest_setup.

See MultihostHost.pytest_setup().

pytest_teardown: set[str]

List of artifacts collected for host after final pytest_teardown.

See MultihostHost.pytest_teardown().

test: set[str]

List of artifacts collected for a test when the test run is finished.

get(artifacts_type: Literal['pytest_setup', 'pytest_teardown', 'topology_setup', 'topology_teardown', 'test']) set[str]

Get list of artifacts by type.


artifacts_type (MultihostArtifactsType) – Type to retrieve.


ValueError – If invalid artifacts type is given.


List of artifacts.

Return type:


class pytest_mh.MultihostItemData(multihost: MultihostConfig | None, topology_mark: TopologyMark | None)

Bases: object

Multihost internal pytest data, stored in pytest.Item.multihost

multihost: MultihostConfig | None

Multihost object.

topology_mark: TopologyMark | None

Topology mark for the test run.

outcome: Literal['passed', 'failed', 'skipped', 'error', 'unknown']

Test run outcome, available in fixture finalizers.

result: TestReport | None

Pytest test result.

static SetData(item: Item, data: MultihostItemData | None) None
static GetData(item: Item) MultihostItemData | None
class pytest_mh.MultihostOSFamily(value)

Bases: Enum

Host operating system family.

Linux = 'linux'
Windows = 'windows'
class pytest_mh.MultihostPlugin(pytest_config: Config)

Bases: object

Pytest multihost plugin.

classmethod GetLogger() Logger

Get plugin’s logger.

pytest_collection_finish(session: Session) Generator
pytest_runtest_makereport(item: Item, call: CallInfo[None]) Generator[None, TestReport, None]

Store test outcome in multihost data: item.multihost.outcome. The outcome can be ‘passed’, ‘failed’ or ‘skipped’.

pytest_output_item_collected(config: Config, item) None
class pytest_mh.MultihostRole(mh: MultihostFixture, role: str, host: HostType)

Bases: Generic[HostType]

Base role class. Roles are the main interface to the remote hosts that can be directly accessed in test cases as fixtures.

All changes to the remote host that were done through the role object API are automatically reverted when a test is finished.

logger: MultihostLogger

Multihost logger.

artifacts: set[str]

List of artifacts that will be automatically collected at specific places. This list can be dynamically extended. Values may contain wildcard character.

setup() None

Setup all MultihostUtility objects that are attributes of this class.

teardown() None

Teardown all MultihostUtility objects that are attributes of this class.

get_artifacts_list(host: MultihostHost, type: Literal['pytest_setup', 'pytest_teardown', 'topology_setup', 'topology_teardown', 'test']) set[str]

Return the list of artifacts to collect.

This just returns artifacts, but it is possible to override this method in order to generate additional artifacts that were not created by the test, or detect which artifacts were created and update the artifacts list.

  • host (MultihostHost) – Host where the artifacts are being collected.

  • type (MultihostArtifactsType) – Type of artifacts that are being collected.


List of artifacts to collect.

Return type:


ssh(user: str, password: str, *, shell=<class 'pytest_mh.ssh.SSHBashProcess'>) SSHClient

Open SSH connection to the host as given user.

  • user (str) – Username.

  • password (str) – User password.

  • shell (str, optional) – Shell that will run the commands, defaults to SSHBashProcess


SSH client connection.

Return type:


class pytest_mh.MultihostTopologyControllerArtifacts

Bases: object

Manage set of artifacts that are collected at specific places.

topology_setup: dict[MultihostHost, set[str]]

List of artifacts collected for host after initial topology_setup.

See TopologyController.topology_setup().

topology_teardown: dict[MultihostHost, set[str]]

List of artifacts collected for host after final topology_teardown.

See TopologyController.topology_teardown().

test: dict[MultihostHost, set[str]]

List of artifacts collected for host when a test run is finished.

get(host: MultihostHost, artifacts_type: MultihostArtifactsType) set[str]

Get list of artifacts by host and type.


artifacts_type (MultihostArtifactsType) – Type to retrieve.


ValueError – If invalid artifacts type is given.


List of artifacts.

Return type:


class pytest_mh.MultihostUtility(host: HostType)

Bases: Generic[HostType]

Base class for utility functions that operate on remote hosts, such as writing a file or managing SSSD.

Instances of MultihostUtility can be used in any role class which is a subclass of MultihostRole. In this case, setup() and teardown() methods are called automatically when the object is created and destroyed to ensure proper setup and clean up on the remote host.


MultihostUtility uses custom metaclass that inherits from ABCMeta. Therefore all subclasses can use @abstractmethod any other abc decorators without directly inheriting ABCMeta class from ABC.


host (HostType) – Remote host instance.

host: HostType

Multihost host.

logger: MultihostLogger

Multihost logger.

used: bool

Indicate if this utility instance was already used or not within current test.

artifacts: set[str]

List of artifacts that will be automatically collected at specific places. This list can be dynamically extended. Values may contain wildcard character.

setup() None

Setup object.

teardown() None

Teardown object.

setup_when_used() None

Setup the object when it is used for the first time.

teardown_when_used() None

Teardown the object only if it was used.

get_artifacts_list(host: MultihostHost, type: Literal['pytest_setup', 'pytest_teardown', 'topology_setup', 'topology_teardown', 'test']) set[str]

Return the list of artifacts to collect.

This just returns artifacts, but it is possible to override this method in order to generate additional artifacts that were not created by the test, or detect which artifacts were created and update the artifacts list.

  • host (MultihostHost) – Host where the artifacts are being collected.

  • host – Host where the artifacts are being collected.

  • type (MultihostArtifactsType) – Type of artifacts that are being collected.


List of artifacts to collect.

Return type:


static GetUtilityAttributes(o: object) dict[str, MultihostUtility]

Get all attributes of the o that are instance of MultihostUtility.


o (object) – Any object.


Dictionary {attribute name: value}

Return type:

dict[str, MultihostUtility]

classmethod SetupUtilityAttributes(o: object) None

Setup all MultihostUtility objects attributes of the given object.


o (object) – Any object.

classmethod TeardownUtilityAttributes(o: object) None

Teardown all MultihostUtility objects attributes of the given object.


o (object) – Any object.


Decorator for MultihostUtility methods defined in inherited classes.

Decorated method will not count as “using the class” and therefore it will not invoke MultihostUtility.setup_when_called().


This is the opposite of mh_utility_used().


method (Callable) – Method to decorate.


Decorated method.

Return type:



Decorator for MultihostUtility methods defined in inherited classes.

Calling decorated method will first invoke MultihostUtility.setup_when_called(), unless other methods were already called.


Callables and methods decorated with @property are decorated automatically.

This decorator can be used to decorate fields declared in __init__ or descriptors not handled by pytest-mh.


method (Callable) – Method to decorate.


Decorated method.

Return type:



Pytest hook: add command line options.

pytest_mh.pytest_configure(config: Config)

Pytest hook: register multihost plugin.

class pytest_mh.Topology(*domains: TopologyDomain)

Bases: object

A topology specifies requirements that a multihost configuration must fulfil in order to run a test.

Each topology consist of one or more domains (TopologyDomain) that defines how many hosts are available inside the domain and what roles are implemented.

The following example defines an ldap topology that consist of one domain of id test and requires two roles: client and ldap each provided by one host.

         client=1, ldap=1

This topology can be satisfied for example by the following multihost configuration:

- name: ldap.test
  id: test
  - name: client
    hostname: client.test
    role: client

  - name: ldap
    hostname: master.ldap.test
    role: ldap

*args (TopologyDomain) – Domains that are included in this topology.

get(id: str) TopologyDomain

Find topology domain of the given id and return it.


id (str) – Topology domain id to lookup.


KeyError – The domain was not found.

Return type:


export() list[dict]

Export the topology into a list of dictionaries that can be easily converted to JSON, YAML or other formats.

        'id': 'test',
        'roles': {
            'client': 1,
            'ldap': 1
Return type:


satisfies(other: Topology) bool

Check if the topology satisfies the other topology.

Returns True if this topology contains all domains and required roles defined in the other topology and False otherwise.


other (Topology) – The other topology.

Return type:


classmethod FromMultihostConfig(mhc: dict) Topology

Create Topology from multihost configuration object.


mhc (dict) – Multihost configuration object (dictionary)


Inferred topology.

Return type:


class pytest_mh.TopologyController

Bases: object

Topology controller can be associated with a topology via TopologyMark to provide additional per-topology hooks such as per-topology setup and teardown.

When inheriting from this class, keep it mind that there is postpone initialization of all present properties therefore you can not access them inside the constructor. The properties are initialized a test is collected.

Each method can take MultihostHost object as parameters as defined in topology fixtures.

Example topology controller
class ExampleController(TopologyController):
    def set_artifacts(self, client: ClientHost) -> None:
        self.artifacts.topology_setup[client] = {"/etc/issue"}

    def skip(self, client: ClientHost) -> str | None:
        result =
            # Implement your requirement check here
            exit 1
            ''', raise_on_error=False)
        if result.rc != 0:
            return "Topology requirements were not met"

        return None

    def topology_setup(self, client: ClientHost):
        # One-time setup, prepare the host for this topology
        # Changes done here are shared for all tests

    def topology_teardown(self, client: ClientHost):
        # One-time teardown, this should undo changes from
        # topology_setup

    def setup(self, client: ClientHost):
        # Perform per-topology test setup
        # This is called before execution of every test

    def teardown(self, client: ClientHost):
        # Perform per-topology test teardown, this should undo changes
        # from setup
Example with low-level topology mark
class ExampleController(TopologyController):
    # Implement methods you are interested in here

    "example", Topology(TopologyDomain("example", client=1)),
def test_example(client: Client):
Example with KnownTopology
class ExampleController(TopologyController):
    # Implement methods you are interested in here

class KnownTopology(KnownTopologyBase):
    EXAMPLE = TopologyMark(
        topology=Topology(TopologyDomain("example", client=1)),

def test_example(client: Client):
artifacts: MultihostTopologyControllerArtifacts

List of artifacts that will be automatically collected at specific places. This list can be dynamically extended. Values may contain wildcard character.

property name: str

Topology name.

This property cannot be accessed from the constructor.


Topology name.

Return type:


property topology: Topology

Multihost topology.

This property cannot be accessed from the constructor.



Return type:


property multihost: MultihostConfig

Multihost configuration.

This property cannot be accessed from the constructor.


Multihost configuration.

Return type:


property logger: MultihostLogger

Multihost logger.

This property cannot be accessed from the constructor.


Multihost logger.

Return type:


property ns: SimpleNamespace

Namespace of MultihostHost objects accessible by domain id and roles names.

This property cannot be accessed from the constructor.



Return type:


property hosts: list[MultihostHost]

List of MultihostHost objects available in this topology.

This property cannot be accessed from the constructor.


List of MultihostHost objects.

Return type:


get_artifacts_list(host: MultihostHost, type: MultihostArtifactsType) set[str]

Return the list of artifacts to collect.

This just returns artifacts, but it is possible to override this method in order to generate additional artifacts that were not created by the test, or detect which artifacts were created and update the artifacts list.

  • host (MultihostHost) – Host where the artifacts are being collected.

  • type (MultihostArtifactsType) – Type of artifacts that are being collected.


List of artifacts to collect.

Return type:


set_artifacts(*args, **kwargs) None

Called before topology_setup() to set topology artifacts.

Note that the artifacts can be set in any other method as well. This dedicated method is just for your convenience.

skip(*args, **kwargs) str | None

Called before a test is executed.

If a non-None value is returned the test is skipped, using the returned value as a skip reason.

Return type:

str | None

topology_setup(*args, **kwargs) None

Called once before executing the first test of given topology.

topology_teardown(*args, **kwargs) None

Called once after all tests for given topology were run.

setup(*args, **kwargs) None

Called before execution of each test.

teardown(*args, **kwargs) None

Called after execution of each test.

class pytest_mh.TopologyDomain(id: str, **kwargs: int)

Bases: object

Create a new topology domain.

Topology domain specifies domain id required by the topology as well as required roles and number of hosts that must implement these roles. See Topology for more information.

The following example defines a topology domain of id test that requires two roles: client and ldap each provided by one host.

    client=1, ldap=1
  • id (str) – Domain id.

  • *kwargs (dict[str, int]) – Required roles.

get(role: str) int

Find role and return the number of hosts that must implement this role.


role – Host role to lookup.


KeyError – The domain was not found.

Return type:


export() dict

Export the topology domain into a dictionary object that can be easily converted to JSON, YAML or other formats.

    'id': 'test',
    'roles': {
        'client': 1,
        'ldap': 1
Return type:


satisfies(other: TopologyDomain) bool

Check if the topology domain satisfies the other domain.

Returns True if the domain ids match and this domain contains all required roles defined in the other topology and False otherwise.


other (TopologyDomain) – The other topology domain.

Return type:


class pytest_mh.TopologyMark(name: str, topology: Topology, *, controller: TopologyController | None = None, fixtures: dict[str, str] | None = None)

Bases: object

Topology mark is used to describe test case requirements. It defines:

  • name, that is used to identify topology in pytest output

  • topology (:class:Topology) that is required to run the test

  • controller (:class:TopologyController) to provide per-topology hooks, optional

  • fixtures that are available during the test run, optional

Example usage
    name, topology,
    fixture=dict(fixture1='path1', fixture2='path2', ...)
def test_fixture_name(fixture1: BaseRole, fixture2: BaseRole, ...):
    assert True

Fixture path points to a host in the multihost configuration and can be either in the form of $domain-id.$role (all host of given role) or $domain-id.$role[$index] (specific host on given index).

The name is visible in verbose pytest output after the test name, for example:

tests/ (topology-name) PASSED
  • name (str) – Topology name used in pytest output.

  • topology (Topology) – Topology required to run the test.

  • controller (TopologyController | None, optional) – Topology controller, defaults to None

  • fixtures (dict[str, str] | None, optional) – Dynamically created fixtures available during the test run, defaults to None

name: str

Topology name.

topology: Topology

Multihost topology.

controller: TopologyController

Multihost topology controller.

fixtures: dict[str, str]

Dynamic fixtures mapping.

property args: set[str]

Names of all dynamically created fixtures.

apply(mh: MultihostFixture, funcargs: dict[str, Any]) None

Create required fixtures by modifying pytest.Item.funcargs.

  • mh (Multihost) – _description_

  • funcargs (dict[str, Any]) – Pytest test item funcargs that will be modified.

export() dict

Export the topology mark into a dictionary object that can be easily converted to JSON, YAML or other formats.

    'name': 'client',
    'fixtures': { 'client': 'test.client[0]' },
    'topology': [
            'id': 'test',
            'hosts': { 'client': 1 }
Return type:


classmethod ExpandMarkers(item: Item) list[Mark]
classmethod Create(item: Function, mark: Mark) TopologyMark

Create instance of TopologyMark from @pytest.mark.topology.



Return type:
