Additional runtime requirements

Sometimes, topology itself is not enough to detect if the test can or can not be run and you want to check for a runtime requirement like that your program was built with certain configure flags or features.

This can be achieved with pytest.mark.require(condition[, reason]) marker that takes a function as a parameter and the test is skipped if the function returns False (the requirement was not met).

The function takes all fixtures that are available to the test as parameters.


The function can either return bool or tuple[bool, str]. In this case, the second value is the reason for skipping the test.

    lambda client: "files-provider" in client.features,
    "SSSD was not built with files provider"
def test_example_explicit_reason(client: Client, ldap: LDAP):

    lambda client: ("files-provider" in client.features, "SSSD was not built with files provider")
def test_example_reason_as_tuple(client: Client, ldap: LDAP):

    lambda **kwargs: "files-provider" in kwargs["client"].features
def test_example_kwargs(client: Client, ldap: LDAP):

It is also possible to pass a function directly instead of an anonymous (lambda) function if the requirement is shared between multiple tests. However, there is a documented glitch in pytest that requires you to use different marker syntax. See pytest documentation for more information.

def require_files_provider(client: Client):
    return "files-provider" in client.features, "SSSD was not built with files provider"

def test_example():


The requirement is evaluated when the test is executed but before setup phase, so no setup method was called on any multihost role in order to make the skip fast.

If you require to setup the role, you can always call the setup method directly from the function passed to the require marker.


pytest-mh provides the requirement marker as a generic way to skip a test when a condition is not met. The condition can use multihost roles or other pytest fixtures used by the marked test and it can also call commands on remote hosts.

The example above shows a check if an SSSD project was built with “files-provider” feature, however feature detection is not part of pytest-mh since feature detection is project specific mechanism.